With “International Speak Like a Pirate Day” coming up next weekend I wanted to paint a new avatar to use on my Facebook page and the like. Since Procreate automatically captures the process I thought I’d share it since I personally love seeing this sort of thing from other artists.
Here is a video I exported showing the inking and colouring stages for this image I sketched:
I want to get to the point where I am drawing everyday … eventually I will get there. This was the first drawing I did with that in mind. Also I am linking a video that Procreate automatically recorded while I was working on it…
Back to drawing another “Shane’s Dirty Art” piece. This time I chose to use a brush that easy bled and got messy… I love some of the “happy accidents” that resulted from using it… I think I might try inking a few more like this one…
It’s been a while since I have posted anything… or drawn anything for that matter. This past weekend I took a couple of hours out of my day and sat down at a local coffee shop to change that. Here is the unfinished (and probably will remain that way) iPad drawing I did. I had the learning curve of using a new program as well that I am finding I love the more I use it called procreate. Let me know what you think!
Being a fan of Game of Thrones I wanted to try my hand at drawing a realistic picture of Khaleesi. I spent a little longer on this portrait than I usually do… I think this one came in at about 7 hours from start to finish. Although I didn’t capture her likeness as well as I would have hoped, I did however learn to push the app I was using (Sketch Club) in order to get the more out of it.
Here is the final image:
- Sketch
- Value
- Colour
My latest Sketch Club iPad drawing… trying to figure out a way to get more of that “painterly” look to my digital art. Not there yet, but I did pick up a couple of tricks along the way.
I was trying out a few new brushes in the Sketch Club app… trying to see if I can mimic light and create different textures on this picture of Kato (referenced from a photo of her from one of her sites)
I love drawing her.
Referenced from an image off www.steampunkcouture.com…. drawing in Stetch Club on my iPad.
Winter has been pretty easy so far in Toronto. Last weekend I saw people outside in shorts.
Here is a quick drawing I did over a couple of days in the mornings before I started work…
In many ways, I am glad 2012 is finally over. It’s been a rough year… but all that is behind me I hope for the most part. There were some amazing things that did happen albeit overshadowed by the no so amazing events… I’ve branched out and met some wonderful new friends. Reconnected with a lot of family and friends from old. As well, after a lack luster effort on my part at the last Toronto ComiCon, I’ve started setting aside time every day to draw and improve what I do.
Below are the final images I finished and forgot to upload here … or are WIP’s that I am calling “done” only because I want to start on something new. The majority of the reference came from one of Kato’s pages… www.steampunkcouture.com or www.facebook.com/steampunkato
I just finished this drawing fan art image of Marceline on my iPad. I love how the creators of the show are willing to change things up, not only within the world itself, but also with the characters. The very fact that there are X number of different hair and clothing styles for Marceline alone impresses me so much. I will be drawing her again for sure… reference is off Kato’s site www.steampunkcouture.com
My brother got me hooked on this show… and I have been wanting see how I would stylize Finn if I drew him.
I forgot to post this after finishing it a few weeks ago. Referenced from a photo off of steampunkcouture.com
Trying again… to teach myself how to paint. After watching a couple of videos my friend Bill shared… as well as re-watching a couple of tutorials of another friend of mine Marco made… I did this. I know there is something “off” with it… but I can’t seem to figure it out yet… so I am moving on to the next project and posting this.
Photo ref from http://www.facebook.com/steampunkato
I love the designs Kato comes up with. As far as fashion goes, she is awesome… and the photo’s of her work make fantastic references to draw and get inspiration from. You will be seeing quite a few drawing by me referenced from her photos…
Unfinished… and it will probably not get done… so I am posting it for what it’s worth.
I think ravens have to be one of the coolest birds. A very quick vector sketch done during Fan Expo this year…
A quick Sketch Club drawing I did while playing with darks and lights… trying to figure out how I might be able to use my iPad to draw mine and my brothers graphic novel.
I did this drawing as part of a Sketch Club challenge. The rules were simple… use 5 lines, no more. Here is how this drawing was broken down. First I laid down a background fill. My 1st line started on the girls profile, where I worked it into her eye, then hair, headphones and a quick suggestion of a torso. The 2nd line was used for the dark grey. I then used the eraser tool to bring back the highlights and cleanup for the 3rd line. The 4th was the text “groove”. Apparently I used the 5th line somehow… but I have no idea where it might have been.
I enjoyed this challenge… and I like the result. I think I might try a couple more of these contour style drawings again soon.